Tips & Interesting Customer Loyalty Facts
Top Five Mistakes Measuring the Customer Experience:
- Measure too many things
- Measure the wrong things
- Failure to survey a representative sample of the customer base
- Failure to quantify the results (tie them to the company bottom line)
- Failure to act on the results
Six Keys to Delivering a Great Customer Experience:
- Do the Job Right the First Time (JRFT)
- Provide customer’s easy access to you if they have a question, complaint, or
- Use technology to improve customer access and the customer experience; NOT
just to improve your numbers so you look good
- If the customer has a complaint; listen to them; let the vent; provide an apology
without blame; offer an honest explanation for why the issue occurred (if you
can); and assure them it won’t happen again (if you can)
- Resolve/answer the reason the customer contacted you on the first contact, as
often as possible
- Do not transfer (or limit the number of transfers to 1) the customer unless
absolutely necessary; and never have the customer call you back, if you don’t have
the answer
The Facts: If we all know them, why do we keep doing the wrong thing over
and over again:
- It costs significantly more to get a new customer than to keep your current
- If you satisfy a customer - when they complain - they are more loyal than if they
didn't have a problem in the first place
- A dissatisfied customer talks to 5 to 100 x's more people than a satisfied customer.
Word-of-Mouth, Word-of-Web matters!
We are specialist in contact center management; contact center & customer experience consulting; project management; and VOC consulting and measurement programs.
JLM Consultants, LLC
Driving change that creates a positive ROI for your company and lasts!