Tips & Interesting Customer Loyalty Facts
Top Five Mistakes Measuring the Customer Experience:
  1. Measure too many things
  2. Measure the wrong things
  3. Failure to survey a representative sample of the customer base
  4. Failure to quantify the results (tie them to the company bottom line)
  5. Failure to act on the results

Six Keys to Delivering a Great Customer Experience:
  1. Do the Job Right the First Time (JRFT)
  2. Provide customer’s easy access to you if they have a question, complaint, or
  3. Use technology to improve customer access and the customer experience; NOT
    just to improve your numbers so you look good
  4. If the customer has a complaint; listen to them; let the vent; provide an apology
    without blame; offer an honest explanation for why the issue occurred (if you
    can); and assure them it won’t happen again (if you can)
  5. Resolve/answer the reason the customer contacted you on the first contact, as
    often as possible
  6. Do not transfer (or limit the number of transfers to 1) the customer unless
    absolutely necessary; and never have the customer call you back, if you don’t have
    the answer

The Facts: If we all know them, why do we keep doing the wrong thing over
and over again:

  • It costs significantly more to get a new customer than to keep your current
  • If you satisfy a customer - when they complain - they are more loyal than if they
    didn't have a problem in the first place
  • A dissatisfied customer talks to 5 to 100 x's more people than a satisfied customer.
    Word-of-Mouth, Word-of-Web matters!
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consulting; project management; and VOC consulting and measurement programs.
JLM Consultants, LLC
Driving change that creates a positive ROI for your company and lasts!